Removing the Orange Tip Airsoft Gun

How To Remove The Orange Tip From An Airsoft Gun?

Removing the orange tip from an airsoft gun can seem daunting at first, but it doesn't need to be. Knowing the right tools and procedures is the most important factor in keeping yourself and others safe while removing the orange tip. In this article, we'll cover some of the key topics related to removing the orange tip from an airsoft gun.

First, let's take a look at what an airsoft gun is. These are non-lethal firearms that use plastic BBs or airsoft pellets to replicate the look and action of live firearms. They have become increasingly popular as people look for ways to recreate thrilling action-movie scenes.

Airsoft guns are often used for simulation games with friends and family. Their popularity is international and the most serious tournaments promise prize money and even sponsorship deals.

Since airsoft guns often look like real firearms, they are equipped with a tip--an orange, and sometimes yellow, tip. This is the signature marker of an airsoft gun and an attempt to make it impossible to mistake it for a real firearm. Commonly called a blaze orange tip', it is a piece of safety regulation designed to tell the casual observer that an airsoft gun isn't a threat.

It's important to remember that while playing airsoft is an exciting experience, and safety should be taken seriously. Never waive around an airsoft gun, paintball guns, or other gun replica around people who can't tell by sight that it's a replica.

There are a few reasons why people may want to remove the orange tip from an airsoft gun. Each person may have their own reasons but here are some of the common reasons:

The orange tip takes away from the realism of the gun. Airsoft guns are often designed to look like real military firearms, and if you're trying to recreate the look of a real gun for cosplay or videos, the orange tip isn't doing you any favors.

The orange tip is also said to interfere with aiming and targeting. The added weight of the tip is said to pull the gun away from its natural trajectory.

Over time, the orange tip may fall off or break. You may then have a replica airsoft gun that doesn't look like one. This can lead to serious legal issues and could potentially be very dangerous.

Now that we've covered why people may want to remove the orange tip from an airsoft gun, let's cover the steps on how to do it.

The first step is buying the right tools. Many guns have lock-on orange tips and require specific tools to remove them. The size of Phillips head screwdriver you'll need depends on the type of orange tip your gun has, so be sure you check first for the right size.

When you have the right size of screwdriver, you're ready to remove the tip. Find the screws and slowly unscrew them. Don't force the screws or you may strip them, which will be a lot harder to remove. When the screws are removed, you can take the orange tip off.

The orange tip is required to be on the gun at most fields of play, so it's important to store it properly. Make sure it's somewhere you can access quickly and easily to replace the orange tip before entering the game field.

Removing an orange tip from an airsoft gun isn't as difficult as it may seem. With the right tools and knowledge of the process, you can take the orange tip off without any problems.

Remember, though, safety should always come first. The orange tip has an important purpose in making sure airsoft guns aren't mistaken for real firearms. If you're playing at an airsoft field, be sure to replace the orange tip on the gun before entering the game.


- Airsoft guns are non-lethal firearms that use plastic BBs or airsoft pellets to replicate the look and action of live firearms.

- The orange tip of an airsoft gun is an important safety measure in order to differentiate real firearms from airsoft guns.

- Some people may want to remove the orange tip in order to improve the look, add weight, or simply because it has fallen off.

- In order to safely remove an orange tip, you will need the right tools and knowledge of the process.

- When playing in an airsoft field, make sure to reattach the orange tip before entering.