Playing Airsoft Where and How

A Comprehensive Guide on Airsoft Venues

If you're looking for the best indoor and outdoor locations for a great round of Airsoft, you'll likely find yourself in a jam when it comes to finding a place to play. But don't worrythis comprehensive guide will walk you through all the possible venues you can utilize for Airsoft, and how you can go about hosting rounds at each one.

It's no secret that Airsoft guns are no joke when it comes to power. However, if you're really looking to just have a low impact game, you may just want to check out arenas like those found at, even for smaller scale Airsoft. These setups usually include a soft set of pellets and easy to assemble setups for a hassle-free experience.

Thanks to the rise of competitive Airsoft, there's now a range of indoor facilities that host Airsoft tournaments and rounds. These setups range from the standard fare to massive archaeological-like arenas you'd find at places like DropZone Games. All these arenas are made to make Airsoft feverishly fun, with a whole assortment of toys and obstacles in tow.

Nothing beats the real deal when it comes to outdoor Airsoft. Many popular fields around the world are now allowing for Airsoft games, from the iconic Desert Fox Fields to the enormous Oak Hill Airsoft Complex.

If finding an official Airsoft venue is failing you, why not build your own field in your backyard? This may seem like a daunting task, but if you just go online and check out the thousands of competently made backyard Airsoft courses, you might just find yourself being able to pull off your own mini-meshed course in no time!

If you're rooted in a niche area, it might just be best to search out Murphs Airsoft and other Airsoft specific businesses. These facilities have all the bells and whistles for having an awesome Airsoft experience, offered by scouting booking services that can get you into the game in no time.

It's also very possible to play Airsoft in popular outdoor locations, so long as you follow proper guidelines. However, many parks and forests have banned the use of airsoft weaponry, so check with your local parks and recreation agency first before diving in.

In Summary

If you're looking for a place to play Airsoft, there's likely an abundance of options depending on your locale. Traditional indoor and outdoor venues host Airsoft with all the necessary safety equipment in tow, and you can even create your own backyard Airsoft course if you're feeling especially ambitious. Private venues are also great options, and you can always take to public spaces with locally-approved permission. With these options, you'll never have to worry about where to play Airsoft again!