Airsoft Where to Play

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Airsoft is a competitive shooting sport in which participants eliminate each other using plastic pellets fired from custom, modified or replica airsoft guns, replicating the experience of military-style combat without the lost of life or the use of live ammunition. As the popularity of airsoft continues to grow, people often ask themselves - where can I play airsoft? In this article, we will look at the 8 points to consider when locating the best venues for airsoft play: availability of quality airsoft fields, location, cost, ease of access, safety, age limits, weather, and restrictions on game duration.

Availability of Quality Airsoft Fields

Finding a quality airsoft field is paramount when looking for a place to play airsoft. Not all areas will have airsoft fields available for play, so it is important to locate the nearest field that is up to the standards you are looking for. There are two basic types of airsoft fields; indoor and outdoor. Outdoor fields tend to be the cheaper option and usually have a bigger variety of features compared to smaller indoor arenas. The areas around airsoft fields can also provide a great opportunity to take stunning photographs of the action alongside some epic landscapes.


When determining where to play and purchase airsoft guns, consider the location of the field. Airsoft is a hands-on activity, so twice the distance makes for twice the travel time and effort. Taking into account the location of the field and travel time will make the airsoft experience that much more enjoyable.


How much is it going to cost to play airsoft? This is an important factor to consider when deciding where to play airsoft. Many airsoft fields will charge an admission fee for a few hours of play, which can range from a few dollars to around fifty dollars, depending on the field type and features. Entry fees usually cover basic equipment, airsoft guns, and protective gear, such as eye and face protection. It is also important to consider the cost of ammunition and bullets. When playing in an outdoor arena, the cost of ammunition can be much higher than indoor arenas due to the quantity of bullets needed.

Ease of Access

In addition to the cost of playing airsoft, it's important to consider ease of access. Is the airsoft field easily accessible by public transportation or car? Is the field located close enough for you to make the trip there and back in one day, or will you need to stay overnight? Depending on the availability of transportation, the cost of playing airsoft may be much higher than the actual entry fee due to the need for a car or overnight stay.


Safety is paramount when playing airsoft. Quality airsoft fields provide safe and secure disengagement zones for players to rearm and reload. It is important to ensure that the field adheres to the safety guidelines in order to ensure that the players are safe while engaging in simulated combat.

Age Limits

The age limit of the airsoft field is an important factor to consider. Some airsoft fields have an age limit of 18 years or older, while others have a limit of 14. It is important to ensure that the age limit of the airsoft field aligns with the standards set in your area. Otherwise, there may be consequences for engaging in the activity at an age that is not yet legal.


Weather can be a major factor when deciding where to play airsoft. Outdoor airsoft fields can be a challenge in extreme weather, such as heavy rain or prolonged low temperatures. Whilst most airsoft fields have a contingency plan for poor weather, if you're looking for optimum weather and terrain conditions, then indoor airsoft fields are recommended.

Restrictions on Game Duration

The duration of an airsoft game typically ranges from a few hours to an entire day. Some fields may even have a minimum stay duration, so it is important to check that the field is suitable for your schedule. This is especially true when opting for outdoor airsoft fields, as the need for a longer playtime in order to take advantage of more varied terrain.

In Summary

There are a multitude of factors to consider when searching for an airsoft field to play on. When finding the best place to play airsoft, it is important to keep in mind the availability of quality airsoft fields, location, cost, ease of access, safety, age limits, weather, and restrictions on game duration. By doing the necessary research and taking the above factors into consideration, you will be able to locate an airsoft field that is just right for your needs and enjoy a thrilling, safe airsoft game.