Airsoft Battery How Long Does it Last

Are you an airsoft budding enthusiast considering the purchase of your first battery? Whether you plan on using it for your airsoft gun or as a general hobby, the lifetime of your battery is an important consideration. How long will your battery last?

This article is intended to provide you with a holistic introduction to the concept of airsoft battery lifetime, outlining eight primary threads you need to consider plus other relevant information.

There is no single definitive answer to the question How long does an airsoft battery last?, as the lifetime of a battery is dependent on its type. The two main types of airsoft batteries are Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) and Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH). While NiCd batteries have a shorter overall life compared to the NiMH, they handle soft usage, frequent discharging, and recharging more effectively.

The capacity of the battery also affects its lifetime. Capacity is generally measured using mAh (milliamp-hour) which reflects the charge stored. Typically, a higher mAh rating translates to longer lifetime for a battery. It is important to note however that this is usually reflected in the battery's price; the higher the mAh rating, the more expensive the battery.

Airsoft batteries also vary in voltage. Depending on your battery's type, typical voltages range from 7.2V to 12V. Generally, higher voltage ratings usually mean more performance, but can reduce the battery's lifetime due to increased strain and heat.

4. Charging and Storage

It pays to be mindful of how you charge your battery. Due to their chemical make-up, airsoft batteries are especially sensitive to overcharging. Overcharging these batteries can affect their lifetime, as well as cause damage to the battery and your airsoft gun. As such, it is recommended to use a smart charger for your battery and adhere to your manufacturer's instructions.

You should also always store your airsoft battery in a cool, preferably dry place. Exposing your airsoft battery to high amounts of temperature such as direct sunlight shortens its lifetime significantly.

5. Average Operating Temperature

Another thing to consider is the average operating temperature. This is essentially the temperature of the battery while it is being used in your airsoft gun. Extremely hot or cold temperatures can degrade the battery's Marshall cells prematurely, impacting its lifetime. As such, manufacturers typically specify a safe operating temperature for the battery.

6. Intensity of Use

The intensity of use of your battery is also something to consider. It is recommended to never fully discharge your battery when playing airsoft as it can reduce the battery's lifespan significantly, as well as cause damage to the battery and your gun.

It is also a good idea to allow your airsoft batteries to cool off between games. This helps prevent damage due to heat build up, which is common when airsoft batteries are used for a prolonged period of time.

7. Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance on your battery is also important; this includes checking for bulging or loose cells, as well as inspecting the terminals for signs of corrosion or wear. Doing so goes a long way in extending the lifetime of your battery.

8. Replacement Frequency

Finally, all airsoft batteries will eventually need to be replaced. Typically, airsoft battery life span is approximately 300-500 charge cycles, and charge cycles are counted every time the battery is charged/discharged.

In Summary

The lifetime of your airsoft battery is an important consideration for any budding airsoft enthusiast. As outlined above, the lifetime of an airsoft battery depends on factors such as battery type, capacity, voltage, charging, operating temperature, intensity of use, and maintenance. With good care and regular maintenance, your battery can last for up to 500 charge cycles, or approximately 18 months - 3 years.

This article has provided you with a holistic introduction to the concept of airsoft battery lifetime. We have delved into eight primary threads you need to consider including battery type, battery capacity, battery voltage, and more. We also discussed the importance of charging, storage, operating temperature, intensity of use, maintenance, and replacement frequency. With proper care and maintenance, you can expect your battery to last for up to 500 charge cycles, or approximately 18 months - 3 years.